Traveling Husbands

 "Traveling Husbands" 1931 directed by Paul Sloane, written by Humphrey Pearson for RKO Radio Pictures.

Evelyn Brent, Frank Albertson, Constance Cummings, Hugh Herbert, Dorothy Peterson, Gwen Lee, Frank McHugh, Carl Miller Stanley Fields, Rira La Roy, Lucille Williams, Purnell Pratt, Spencer Charters, Wilbur Mack.
Several traveling salesmen get involved with business, booze, romance, party girls and a lot more while staying at a Detroit hotel. A wonderful pre-Code with a really great cast. Evelyn Brent is superb as the hard-boiled Ruby Smith with Constance Cummings as the good girl gone wrong. Frank Albertson is 'Swell', and Gwen Lee, Rita La Roy, and Lucille Williams are a delight as the party girls while Dorothy Peterson is forever the self-sacrificing wife. This is well directed, well shot and lit with a keen eye and a good editor. It is a Programmer and not a B-Picture. WDR showed it ages back.


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