
Er worden posts getoond met het label Grave

King Richard I

Today's Knight is King Richard I, who succeeded his father, Henry II, to become King of England in 1189. However, he spent only ten months of his decade-long reign in the country. He spent the majority of his reign overseas, fighting for various causes, most famously in the Third Crusade, where he earned a reputation as a brave and fierce knight and military leader. Despite numerous famous victories in the Holy Land, Richard was unable to recapture Jerusalem. On his return to England, he was captured by the Duke of Austria, who handed him over to the emperor Henry VI, who held him for a huge ransom. Richard, despite being remembered as one of history’s legendary kings of England, showed little interest in actually governing his land and used it as a source of funding for his crusading expeditions. Richard spent the final years of his life doing what he most loved: fighting. He was mortally wounded by a crossbow bolt while besieging the castle of ChĆ¢lus-Chabrol in the Limousin regio

Ivy Close

Ivy Close (15 June 1890 – 4 December 1968) was a British actress. She acted in 44 films between 1912 and 1929 n 1908, Ivy Close was named the World's Most Beautiful Woman by the British tabloid Daily Mirror, beating over 1,500 contestants, so becoming generally recognized as Britain's first beauty queen. Her victory won her not only a new Rover motorcar but also the exhibition of a portrait, by Sir Arthur Hacker, at the Royal Academy in London; the portrait was subsequently used on 4 May 1908 to fill the front page of the newspaper which had organised the contest.The painting was subsequently discovered to be in the collection of the Ferens Art Gallery in Hull but not on display because it required restoration; the necessary work was paid for by her great-grandson Gareth Neame. Neame has argued, "And there was then a competition between the winner in Britain and the winner in the US, and she ended up winning that one. So I often say she was effectively the first ever Miss

Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I - 7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603 Elizabeth I is interred in Westminster Abbey, in a tomb shared with her half-sister, Mary I. The Latin inscription on their tombreads: "Regno consortes & urna, hic obdormimus Elizabetha et Maria sorores, in spe resurrectionis" Which translates to: "Consorts in realm and tomb, here we sleep, Elizabeth and Mary, sisters, in hope of resurrection". Source:

King Henry IV

King Henry IV died in 1413, and it was his last wish to be buried in Canterbury Cathedral rather than Westminster Abbey. He had always had an affinity for Thomas Becket’s cult, which was still thriving at the time, and wanted to be buried adjacent to his shrine. The body made the journey from London to Kent and was finally laid to rest on the north side of Trinity Chapel. A rumour began a few weeks after the King’s death that stated that during a dinner party toasting the late King’s life, one guest was reported to have said: "God knows whether he was a good man; but this I know for certain: while his body was conveying in a small vessel from Westminster towards Canterbury to be buried there, I was one of three persons who threw the corpse into the sea, between Berking and Gravesend." The rumour went on to say that a storm had been raging at the time, and it was thought the body was considered a bad omen by those onboard, so it was thrown overboard to appease the superstitiou


De Nijmeegse fotograaf Gerard Korfmacher maakte in 1897 deze prachtige foto van het poortgebouw van begraafplaats 'Rustoord' aan de Postweg. Tot in het begin van de 19de eeuw was het gewoonte om de doden binnen de stadsmuren - vaak in en rond de kerken - te begraven. De protestanten in Nijmegen werden onder andere in de Sint-Stevenskerk en op het omliggende kerkhof begraven. In 1804, toen Nederland tot het Franse keizerrijk behoorde, werden begravingen binnen de stadsmuren verboden. Daarop besloot het Nijmeegse stadsbestuur in 1810 om even buiten de stad, ter plaatse van het huidige Julianapark, een grote algemene begraafplaats aan te leggen. Nadat het verbod op begravingen binnen de stadsmuren na de aftocht van de Fransen in december 1813 weer deels was opgeheven, hervatten de protestanten hun begravingen in de Sint-Stevenskerk. Om hygiƫnische redenen werden begravingen binnen de vestingwerken 15 jaar dan toch definitief verboden. Vanaf 1829 werden de protestanten dus weer op

Joseph Bulova

Joseph Bulova 1851-1935 Woodlawn Cemetery Bronx, NY Bulova trained as a watch and jewelry maker in the Czech republic. He came to America at 19 years old and worked for Tiffany, a small company at that time. In 1875, at 25 years old, he started his own company. He made pocket watches. By WW I the army was looking for a lighter more wearable watch. Bulova was one of the first companies to recognize the shift from pocket to wrist watches. In 1924 the first women's watch was designed. The first national radio advertisement was by the Boulova company in 1926. "At the tone, it is 8pm. Bulova watch time". By the end of the 1920's, Bulova had introduced the first clock radio and patented car radio designs. Bulova's son Arde took over company upon Bulova's death in 1935. The company ran the first TV commercial in 1941 before the Brooklyn Dodgers game. "America runs on Bulova time."