Sistine Chapel

Italy 360. Vatican City 360. Sistine Chapel - a former church in the Vatican, which was built in 1473-1481 by the architect George de Dolci and named after Pope Sixtus IV. Now conclaves are held here to elect a new pontiff. Also, the chapel is a museum of works of the Renaissance and is known for the paintings of the artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. The paintings under the arch of the Sistine Chapel depict nine scenes from the Book of Genesis, which are divided into three groups:
I - creation of the World;
II - the creation of Adam and Eve, their fall into sin and expulsion from Paradise;
III - trials that have fallen to the lot of all mankind.
The author of the frescoes took only 4 years to complete his greatest works. In 1512, the painting under the ceiling of the chapel was completed.


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