
Posts uit november, 2007 tonen

Willem II, Prince of Orange

May 27, 1626: Willem II, Prince of Orange, was born in The Hague to Prince Frederick Henry and Amalia of Solms-Braunfels. A grandson of William the Silent, he married Mary, Princess Royal in 1641, and he succeeded his father in 1647, taking on the responsibility for the Eighty Years' War against Spain for the Netherlands' independence. His only child, William III, was born posthumously and would become King William III of England, Scotland, and Ireland. [Portrait by van Dyck]

Mystic dreamer tarot

Gematigdheid en zwaarden 9! Zorgen brengen je uit balans. Je bent je zorgen aan het maken over een bepaalde situatie. Dit komt omdat je er teveel over nadenkt. En dat eist energie. Daardoor ben je uit balans. Voel wat de situatie met je lichaam doet. Voel wat de situatie met je emoties doet. Voel wat de situatie doet met de connectie naar jezelf. Ga naar binnen en kies de weg die jouw hart je wijst. De weg waar jij blij van wordt. De weg die jou rust en balans brengt. ---------------------- Temperence and 9 of swords! Worry is getting you out of balance. You are worrying about a certain situation. This is because you think too much about it. And that is draining your energy. That is why you are out of balance. Feel what the situation is doing to your body. Feel what the situation is doing to your emotions. Feel what the situation is doong to your connection to yourself. Go inside and choose the path your heart is pointing towards. The road that makes you happy. The road that brings you

George V, King of Hanover

May 27, 1819: George V, King of Hanover, was born Prince George of Cumberland, the only son of Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and King of Hanover, and Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz as well as grandson to King George III of the United Kingdom. After Queen Victoria's accession to the British throne, Duke Ernest Augustus became King of Hanover as women were barred from inheriting there, making George the Crown Prince. He succeeded to the throne in 1851and reigned for fifteen years before his reign ended with the unification of Germany, making him the last King of Hanover. He never renounced his rights to the throne or acknowledged Prussia's actions, but his appeals to the Great Powers were in vain, and he remained in exile for the remainder of his life.

Osho Zen tarot

Zwaarden 7 (politics) en staven 4 (participation)! Zet het masker af. Je hebt je altijd aangepast om te zorgen dat niemand je raar aankeek en dat je de goedkeuring kreeg van je ouders. Omdat als kind je ouders de belangrijkste personen zijn in je leven. Welk voorbeeld je ook van hen gehad hebt, je ziet nu hoe jij je leven wilt leven. Dat jij de maskers waarachter je geleegd hebt, af kan zetten. Waarbij je zegt: dit ben ik. Sta in je eigen kracht, wat er ook gebeurd. Er zullen mensen op je pad komen die dat ook doen of willen doen. Vertrouw op je eigen ziel. ---------------------------- 7 of swords (politics) and 4 of wands (participation)! Take your mask off. You have alawsys been adaptive to make sure nobody would thought you were weird and you got the approval of your parents. As a child your parents are the most important persons in your life. Which conditioning you had from them, you now see how you want to live your life. That you can takd off the nasks you have been living behind

Mathilde Bonaparte

May 27, 1820: Mathilde Bonaparte, Princesse FranƧaise, was born in Trieste to JĆ©rĆ“me Bonaparte and Catharina of WĆ¼rttemberg. Her paternal uncle was Emperor NapolĆ©on I, and her maternal grandfather was King Friedrich I of WĆ¼rttemberg. Although originally engaged to her first cousin, the future Emperor NapolĆ©on III of France, she broke the engagement and instead married a rich Russian nobleman, Anatole Demidov, a marriage which turned out to be stormy and unhappy almost from the beginning. After her separation from her husband, she lived in Paris and was a hostess to men of arts and letters as a salon holder. [Portrait by Ɖdouard Dubufe]

The old english tarot

Ridder van zwaarden en koningin van pentakels (coins)! Laat los. De gedachtes die in je hoofd blijven rond draaien gaan over aardse stabiliteit. Je vraagt je al een tijd af of je de stap in het onbekende wel wil en kan zetten. De onrust die dat met zich mee brengt zorgt ervoor dat je twijfelt. De stap is gezet, de beslissing is genomen. Het enige wat jij nu hoeft te doen is loslaten van de beperkende gedachtes die je in je hoofd hebt. En je over te geven aan dat wat er op je pad komt. Vertrouw op de overvloed die voor jou bestemd is. ----------------- Knight of swords and queen of pentacles (coins)! Let go. The thoughts that are spinning around in your head are about earthly stability. For a while now you ask yourself if you want and can take the step into the unknown. The restlessness that comes with these thoughts are making you doubt. The step has been taken, the descision has been made. The only thing you need to do is get rid of the limiting thoughts in your head. And surrender to

Princess Sophia

May 27, 1848: Princess Sophia of the United Kingdom died at age seventy in Vicarage Place, Kensington. The twelfth child of King George III and Queen Charlotte, she was closest to her father, who preferred his daughters over his sons. Though she never wed, rumors spread that she became pregnant by Thomas Garth, an equerry of her father's, and gave birth to an illegitimate son in the summer of 1800. In her last years, she resided in the household of her niece Princess Victoria of Kent (the future Queen Victoria), at Kensington Palace. [Portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence]

Spellcaster’s tarot

De zegewagen en staven aas! Geen snelle oplossing. Je hebt duidelijk wat je aan jouw situatie wil doen. De karmische les die naar boven is gekomen is duidelijk voor je. Nu is het zaak om de oplossing te laten komen door inspiratie en daarnaar te handelen. Vraag je bij elke stap af wat je erbij voelt en of het je gaat brengen waar je naar verlangt. Hou je eigen balans in de gaten. Sta open voor de tekens op je pad en neem de teugels van je eigen leven in handen. Laat je leiden door je hart. --------------------- The chariot and ace of wands! No quick fix. You are clear about what you want to do about the situation you are ik. The karmic lesson that has come up is clear for you. Now it is important to let the solution come up through inspiration and take action through the inspiration. Ask yourself, with every step you take, how you feel and is it going to bring you what you desire. Keep an eye on your own balance. Be open to the somigns on your path and takd the reigns of your own life

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

May 27, 1941: "President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces a state of unlimited national emergency in response to Nazi Germany’s threats of world domination on this day in 1941. In a speech on this day, he repeated his famous remark from a speech he made in 1933 during the Great Depression: the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In a radio address delivered from the White House, FDR tried to rally isolationists to his philosophy that aid to Europe was purely in America’s self-interest. In March 1941, he had successfully pushed through the Lend-Lease Bill, which gave military aid to any country vital to the defense of the United States. Roosevelt recounted for his audience how German submarines were boldly attacking British shipping and threatening American shipping in the Atlantic and how Londoners endured nightly raids of German bombers. He painted an almost apocalyptic vision of a Nazi-controlled Western Hemisphere where American workers would be enslaved by Germany, godle

Radiant wise spirit tarot

De duivel en koning van pentakels! Bevrijd jezelf. Je hebt jezelf vast gezet met gehechtheden om te kunnen leven met de conditionering die uit jouw jeugd is mee gegeven. Dit kan een verslaving zijn, gedachtes die je gevangen houden, beperkende overtuigingen of gewoontes waar je aan vast houdt. Jij hebt de kracht om je te ontdoen van deze afhankelijke gewoontes. Besef dat jij degene bent die de touwtjes in handen heeft. Maak de keuze om voor jezelf te gaan. En voel de kracht die deze beslissing je geeft. ------------------------ The devil and king of pentacles! Free yourself. You have chained yourself with co-dependancies in order to be able to live with the conditioning you have brought with you from your childhood. This can be an addiction, thoughts that keep you going in circles, limiting beliefs or habbits you hold on to. You have the power to get rid of these habbits. Realise that you are the one that is in control. Choose you. And feel the power this choice is giving you.

Madam C. J. Walker

May 25, 1919: African-American millionaire hair care mogul, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and political and social activist Madam C. J. Walker died from kidney failure and complications of hypertension at 51 years old. "In 1911, pioneering entrepreneur Madam C.J. Walker invested $10,000 of her own money to incorporate the Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company. During a time when black women suffered from ailments such as severe dandruff, she sold her products door to door and taught other black women how to groom and style their hair. Walker recruited sales agents in major cities across the nation. Her efforts provided African American women with steady employment and a career that they and their communities could take pride in. She opened training programs through her “Walker System,” which gave her national network of licensed sales agents healthy commissions. After relocating to Indianapolis, Walker eventually built a factory, hair salon, a beauty school to train her agents,

Green witch tarot

Schildknaap van bekers (chalices) en zwaarden (athems) 6! Helderheid in gevoel. Steeds meer beperkende gedachtes verlaten je systeem. De helderheid die je in je hoofd krijgt zorgt ervoor dat je gevoel ook duidelijker wordt. Hierdoor komt de liefde die je in je hebt steeds meer naar buiten. Je staat stil bij wat je voelt en je maakt de keuze waar je wel je liefde wilt geven en waar niet. Jouw authentieke zelf komt met elke stap die je naar liefde maakt, naar boven. ---------------------- Page of cups (chalices) and 6 of swords (athems)! Clearity in feelings. More and more limiting beliefs are leaving your system. The clearity that you have in your head is the cause of clearity in your feelings. That is why your love is coming out more and more. You are aware of what you feel and where you want to give love and where you don’t want to give love. Your authentic self is coming up with every step you take towards love.

The Birth and Death

The Birth and Death The infant mortality rates of the medieval period were high, with over a third of boys and a quarter of girls dying at or soon after birth. That is why baptism was of overwhelming importance to the family of the child; if not baptized, the infant would go into the indeterminate eternal world of limbo and be denied the bliss of heaven. In the event of imminent death the midwife was permitted to sprinkle water over the child and pronounce I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.' If the mother died in labour, the midwife was obliged to cut the child from the womb in order to save its soul. In extreme cases the infant was baptized even before birth, given a name such as Vitalis' or 'Creature' or 'Child of God'. The room of birth was supposed to be warm and dark, with a scent of rose petals somewhere in the air, but of course not all births could be performed in ideal conditions. That accounts for a large number of the deaths.

Steampunk tarot

Zwaarden 6 en de zegewagen! Volg de stroom van het leven. Je bent geneigd om in je hoofd te zitten en na te denken over de stappen die je wilt nemen. Dat je alles uitgedacht wil hebben voordat je stappen maakt. Jouw ervaring is dat dingen dan toch net anders lopen. Geef je over aan de flow van het leven. Ervaar wat er op je pad komt als je je gedachten los laat. Neem de teugels in handen en stuur die kant op die de tekens aangeven. Je grootste overwinning komt als je je hart volgt. ---------------------- 6 of swords and the chariot! Follow the srream of life. You have the tendancy to think about every step you want to take. That you want everything being thought out before you take the steps. Your experience is that things always turn out different than you thought. Surrender to the flow of life. Experience what is turning up as soon as you let go of your thoughts. Take the reigns in your own hands and steer towards the path the signs are showing you. You will have the biggest victory

Het leven is niet makkelijk

"Het leven is niet makkelijk. Niemand verzekerde ons dat het zou zijn. Leven vraagt inspanning, dankbaarheid en zelfkennis om lichter te zijn. Niets en niemand heeft de kracht om je pijn te doen behalve jezelf. Zet je in voor geluk: het zal je hart leiden. "

Tarot illuminati

Pentakels 4 en bekers 6! Laat de liefde stromen. Je bent bang om je te openen voor liefde. Er is zoveel gebeurd in je verleden dat je een belofte aan jezelf gedaan hebt om je nooit meer te openen voor liefde. Deze angst is begrijpelijk. Neemt niet weg dat je verlangen naar pure liefde zonder voorwaarden nog steeds aanwezig is. Vertrouw op je hart. Stap voor stap zul je de angst kunnen laten wegsmelten door de belofte die je in het verleden gedaan hebt te verwijderen uit je systeem. Affirmeer: ik ben het waard om liefde te ontvangen. ------------------- 4 of pentacles and 6 of cups! Let love flow. You are afraid to open yourself up to love. There has been mamy struggles in your past that you made a vow to yourself, to not open up to love ever again. This fear is understandable. But your longing for pure love without conditions is still there. Trust your heart. Step by step you will melt away the fear by remove the promise you did towards yourself in the past. Get it out of your system.

Chakra Check List

Chakra Check List Hoe meer van de volgende uitspraken van toepassing zijn, hoe belangrijker het is om de energie in de chakra’s te activeren en in balans te brengen. 1e Chakra: Ik ben bang voor de toekomst. Ik heb weinig vertrouwen in het leven. Ik heb vaak weinig energie en ben gauw uitgeput. Ik ben maar moeilijk in beweging te krijgen en heb snel koude handen en/of voeten. Ik maak me vaak zorgen over mijn financiĆ«le situatie. Ik heb geregeld darmklachten, verstopping of diarree. 2e Chakra: Ik heb seksuele problemen of voel me onbevredigd. Ik heb weinig (levens)kracht en weinig plezier in het leven. Ik vind het moeilijk om creatief te zijn; ik voel me vaak geremd. Ik zou graag meer genieten en met meer hartstocht leven. Ik ben heel jaloers als mijn partner met anderen flirt. Ik heb vaak last van pijn en spanningen in mijn onderrug. Ik ben gevoelig voor problemen in mijn onderlichaam, zoals blaas, nier, prostaat- of menstruatieklachten. 3e Chakra: Ik kan mijn gevoelens vaak niet in de