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Nijmeegse voetbalclub SCH

Al in 1919 hadden enkele jongens uit West-Nijmegen het plan bedacht om onder de naam Victoria te gaan voetballen. De eerste tijden speelde men op de hoek Biezenstraat-Waterstraat, waar later de H. Theresiakerk kwam te staan. Daarna werd er een veld beschikbaar gesteld door de vlasfabriek, ongeveer op de plek waar nu de Honig is. Men speelde af en toe een vriendschappelijke wedstrijd totdat men het tijd vond om het serieuzer aan te pakken. Op 23 januari 1921 zag N.H.C het licht, de Nijmegen-Hees-Combinatie. In cafƩ Boers op de hoek van de Lange Hezelstraat en de Bottelstraat werd besloten onder deze naam te gaan voetballen. Men sloot zich toen ook aan bij de Gelderse Voetbalbond. Onder leiding van voorzitter Van Schaik werd binnen 2 jaar de vierde klasse bereikt. Op 1 december 1926 werd tijdens een vergadering een voorstel gedaan om tot naamsverandering over te gaan. Dit werd gedaan omdat er in Nijmegen een andere club was met de naam H.N.C, en dat kon nog wel eens voor verwarring zorge

1970: Sporthal "Terminus", Nieuwe Markt

  Ca. 1970: Sporthal "Terminus", Nieuwe Markt De veemarkt, die sinds de late zestiende eeuw op diverse plekken in de binnenstad van Nijmegen plaatsvond, werd rond 1885 naar de Nieuwe Markt verplaatst. De veemarkt was succesvol, zodat men rond 1939 nieuwe Veemarkthallen bouwde, waardoor de oude Korenbeurs moest wijken. Bij de Veemarkthallen hoorde een poortgebouw dat de naam “Terminus” droeg. Dit had betrekking op de nabijgelegen tramremise. Eind jaren tachtig van de twintigste eeuw werden de hallen gesloopt, na nog enige tijd als sportaccommodatie dienst te hebben gedaan. Fotocollectie Regionaal Archief Nijmegen

Nationale en internationale wielerwedstrijd

  137 jaar geleden kreeg Nijmegen de eerste wielerbaan van Nederland In Nijmegen stond de eerste wielerbaan van Nederland. De bijhorende Maatschappij tot exploitatie van een velocipedebaan heeft maar vijf jaar bestaan. Op 25 februari 1885 kwam er vanuit Nijmegen interessant nieuws voor de wielerliefhebbers. ‘Alhier is dezer dagen opgericht een Maatschappij tot exploitatie van een velocipedebaan,’ aldus een annonce. De initiatiefnemers zochten naar 15.000 gulden om de eerste wielerbaan van het land aan te leggen – in onze tijd te vergelijken met bijna twee ton in euro’s. Binnen een half jaar was dit geld gevonden en meldde notaris Joachimus Gerhardus Masman in De Nederlandsche Staatscourant het bestaan van een Naamloze Vennootschap. En toen ging het hard, want op 13 augustus 1885 was de officiĆ«le opening met nationale en internationale wielerwedstrijden. De baan was 333 meter rond en met vier puinsoorten ingestampt. De bochten waren vijftig centimeter opgehoogd. ‘Een wielertentoonstelli


Frederick "Curly" Neal was born on May 19, 1942 in Greensboro, North Carolina He was one of the most memorable basketball players who played with the Harlem Globetrotters. Following in the footsteps of Marques Haynes, Neal became the Trotters' featured ballhandler, a key role in the team's exhibition act. Born in Greensboro, North Carolina, Neal attended James B. Dudley High School and Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina from 1959 to 1963. At Smith, he averaged 23.1 points a game and was named All-Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) guard. Neal played for 22 seasons (from 1963 to 1985) with the Globetrotters, appearing in more than 6,000 games in 97 countries. His shaved head earned him his nickname, a reference to the Three Stooges' Curly Howard. In the 1970s, an animated version of Neal starred with various other Globetrotters in the Hanna-Barbera animated cartoon Harlem Globetrotters as well as its spinoff, The Super Globetr

1985: Sportpark Grootstal

  Ca. 1985: Sportpark Grootstal. Luchtfoto van de voetbalvelden van het Sportpark Grootstal. Toen het sportpark aan de Nieuwe Mollenhutseweg klaar was in 1964 kwamen SCE en SV Hatert te voetballen op het sportpark. Een sportpark midden in de samenleving van Hatert, Grootstal en Hatertse Hei die een belangrijke maatschappelijke functie vervulde. In 1988 besloot de gemeente huizen te willen bouwen op de grond van het mooie sportpark. In 1990 is SCE weggegaan naar Sportpark Lindenholt en in 1996 SV Hatert naar Sportpark De Vossendijk. In 1997 werd begonnen met de bouw van een woonwijk op het voormalig sportpark. Bij de ontwikkeling van dit gebied hadden gemeente en bouwers veel ambities: er moesten betaalbare woningen komen, er moest gemêleerd gebouwd worden, verscheidenheid in architectuur en menging huur en koop, de wijk moest “duurzaam” worden. De meeste woningen waren ruim voor de eeuwwisseling voltooid. In 2001 zijn, als laatste project, drie appartementencomplexen aan de Carnotstra


She was a baseball star. At bat, a good hitter. On the basepaths, a fast and fearless runner. Born in 1922 in Los Angeles, CA, Thelma "Tiby" Eisen became interested in sports when she was around twelve or thirteen years old. By fourteen, she was playing in a semi-pro softball league. At eighteen, she was a fullback in what would be a short-lived professional football league for women. And in 1944, Tiby joined the American Girls Professional Baseball League, where she would play in 966 games, stealing 674 bases. After her professional baseball career ended, she played in a local Los Angeles softball league. Years later, while helping establish the women's exhibit in the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1993, she said, "We're trying to record this so we have our place in history. It's important to keep our baseball league in the limelight. It gets pushed into the background ... [just as] women have been pushed into the background forever. If they knew more about our le

Annette Kellermann

"My early physical misfortune has turned out to be the greatest blessing that could have come to me. Without it I should have missed all the grim struggle upward and the reward that waited at the end of it all." Annette Kellermann was just six years old when she developed weakness in her legs. This required her to wear painful steel braces and to help recovery, her parents enrolled Annette in swim classes. As a teen her legs recovered and she became a champion swimmer, a record holder in the 100 yard and mile races in her native Australia. But more than just swimming, she became famous for advocating for women’s rights. "I can’t swim wearing more stuff than you hang on a clothesline," she once said. In a time when women were expected to wear dress and pantaloons to swim, she wore a one piece suit. And while doing so led to her arrest in 1907 in Massachusetts for indecency, with time she helped change the social norms. Her one piece suit, known as the Annette Kellerm

Frank Hart

For about a decade around 1880, the national pastime in the U.S. was a sport called pedestrianism. Pedestrians, the term for athletes who competed in the sport, would walk around a track, some to accomplish a specific distance goal, others in competition with one another to see who could go the farthest distance over a specified time. Thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of spectators, would come to watch. One of the best pedestrians of the time was Frank Hart. Frank, an immigrant to the U.S. from Haiti, endured many challenges competing in the sport. Some athletes refused to shake his hand, people yelled at him, one spectator threw pepper spray at Frank mid competition, and there were rumors that someone once tried to poison him. But he continued to compete. He won his first race in 1879. And on April 10th, 1880, in front of a crowd of about twenty thousand on the final day of a six day competition, Frank set a world record, finishing the race having walked a total of 565 miles. Not

Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson was one of the best boxers of his time, winning the Australian heavyweight title in 1886. Though a fighter by profession, he was calm, collected, his demeanor dignified. In the ring he was methodical. Outside of it he stood proud of his race and fought back against discrimination. With force if he had to, but he never used his strength and brawn to bully. From his success in Australia he moved to the U.S. looking for fighting challenges. But racism hindered his opportunities. As his boxing life waned, Peter became an actor, touring with the stage production of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the role of Uncle Tom. When speaking about considering the part, he said, "if Uncle Tom is a success, I intend to play it, but it does not do to be too confident." And he approached the role with a diligent perspective that "acting is like everything else, it needs practice." Deteriorating health took him from the ring and the stage and at the young age of 40 he passed away f


Vandaag de derde, zware dag naar Groesbeek; de beroemde Zevenheuvelenweg wordt getrotseerd. Getuige deze foto is het de bekende wandelgroep "De Blauwvosjes" gelukt want een dag later zijn zij op dag 4 in 1937 na het behalen van de finish flink in de bloemetjes gezet. Wie kent ze nog? En wie was er ook lid van een wandelgroep en heeft de vierdaagse gelopen? Bron: RAN F70829 PS: En wie doet Ćŗ trouwens de groeten vanuit ons mooie Nijmegen?

Babe Ruth

He was a man beloved. Talkative, playful, full of energy, people said he was a big kid, the kind of person who never grew up. But, as a baseball player, he was mighty, the best of his time, maybe even the best of all-time. Babe Ruth was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1895. A troublemaker as a child, he skipped school and took part in fights. His unruly behavior led his parents to send him at the age of seven to the St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys, a reform school. At the school Babe found discipline, he found mentorship, and while it's not entirely clear how he began playing the sport, he found baseball. And in baseball, he found much success. He would go on to stardom in the MLB, playing first for the Red Sox and then for many years the Yankees, where he set numerous records, some of which stand today. And for the Yankees, who had never won a title before Babe joined the team, he would lead them to four World Series victories. Babe retired in 1935 after twenty-two seaso

Ernest Banks

Ernest Banks (31 januari 1931 - 23 januari 2015), bijgenaamd "Mr. Cub" en "Mr. Sunshine", was een Amerikaanse professionele honkbalspeler die speelde in Major League Baseball (MLB) als korte stop en eerste honkman voor de Chicago Cubs tussen 1953 en 1971. Hij werd in 1977 opgenomen in de National Baseball Hall of Fame en in 1999 in het Major League Baseball All-Century Team. Banks wordt door sommigen beschouwd als een van de grootste spelers aller tijden. Hij begon te spelen professioneel honkbal in 1950 met de Kansas City Monarchs in de negercompetities. Hij diende twee jaar in het Amerikaanse leger, speelde opnieuw voor de Monarchs en begon zijn National League-carriĆØre in september 1953. Het jaar daarop was Banks de National League Rookie of the Year runner-up. Vanaf 1955 was Banks 11 seizoenen een National League (NL) All-Star en speelde hij in 13 van de 15 All-Star Games die in die jaren werden gehouden. Banks was eind jaren vijftig de belangrijkste attractie v

Sportpark Kwakkenberg

  1970: Sportpark Kwakkenberg, Luciaweg Het oude Sportterrein van Orion en Trekvogels. Op de achtergrond de Kerk der Nederlandse Hervormde Gemeente, de Opstandingskerk, aan de Kwakkenbergweg. Fotocollectie Regionaal Archief Nijmegen

Jim Thorpe

It was summer of 1912, the Olympics in Sweden. Jim Thorpe, a Native American from the Sac and Fox tribe, was representing the U.S. in four events, including the decathlon, which would determine the greatest athlete in the world. The decathlon took place over three days. On the morning of day two, when Jim went to gather his track shoes for competition, they were missing. Without a store to purchase a new pair from, he and his track coach went scouring trash bins looking for a discarded pair. His coach found a right shoe and a left one. They were different styles, different sizes. One shoe fit fine. The other was too big. But given time constraints this was his best option. So on the foot with the big shoe, Jim put on two pairs of socks. Wearing these track shoes, Jim came in first place. And he didn't just win, he dominated, wining by a margin of about 700 points. He was the greatest athlete in the world. Jim returned home to a ticker tape parade down Broadway in NY. — To purchase

Jesse Owens

Fans adored Jesse Owens. Maybe it was because of his big smile. Or warm demeanor and appreciation for friendship. “Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust,” he would say. Or maybe it was because of his enormous talent. Whatever the reasons, he was beloved. Today, people often remember Jesse for his 1936 Olympic performance. When he went into Nazi Germany, and left with four gold medals and two new world records. And even there, amid the hatred, Jesse left as the most popular athlete. Jesse showed an early talent for running. And a love for the sport. “I always loved running… it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs,” he said. Stardom began in his early years while a student at East Techni

Branch Rickey

"Some day I'm going to have to stand before God, and if He asks me why I didn't let that [Jackie] Robinson fellow play ball, I don't think saying 'because of the color of his skin' would be a good enough answer." Branch Rickey stood by his principles. And he was a religious man. As a young baseball player, he chose not to participate in Sunday games. Then as a manager later in life, he would keep with this same practice, refusing to even come to the ballpark on Sundays. Branch dedicated much of his working life to baseball, where he was known as a change-maker and innovator. He helped create what is now known as the "farm system" and the batting helmet. Most importantly, though, he ended the color barrier, an unwritten rule that kept Black athletes from playing in the MLB, when he signed Jackie Robinson. — Sources: / Bentley Image Bank 1912 University of Michigan Baseball Team, Wikimedia Comm

Ca. 1950: Sportpark Quick 1888

  Ca. 1950: Sportpark Quick 1888, Hazenkampseweg Het sportpark van Omnivereniging Quick 1888 heeft in haar 125 jarige bestaan verschillende locaties als thuisbasis gehad in Nijmegen. De locatie aan de Hazenkampseweg was van 1918 tot 1960 door Quick 1888 in gebruik waarna ze naar de huidige locatie aan de Dennenstraat zijn verhuisd. Fotocollectie Regionaal Archief Nijmegen

15-11-2013: N.E.C. viert 113e verjaardag!

15-11-2013: N.E.C. viert 113e verjaardag! Nijmegen Toen feliciteert N.E.C. en al haar supporters met het 113 jarige bestaan van de club. Op de foto: 03-1978: NEC tegen PSV 2-2 (rechts Willy van der Kerkhoff). Wie herkent de N.E.C. speler op de foto? Vandaag viert de Nijmegen Eendracht Combinatie haar 113e verjaardag. Guus Lodestijn, Anton Kuijper en Wouter van Lent richtten op 15 november 1900 voetbalclub Eendracht op dat later fuseerde met Nijmegen. Vanaf de start van het betaalde voetbal in Nederland in 1954 is N.E.C. Ć©Ć©n van de clubs die professioneel actief is. Inmiddels is N.E.C. sinds 1994 onafgebroken actief op het hoogste niveau, de Eredivisie. De club kwalificeerde zich driemaal voor deelname aan een Europese bekercompetitie. De eerste keer was in 1983 waarbij N.E.C., toen gecoacht door Pim van de Meent, werd uitgeschakeld door FC Barcelona. De tweede keer was in 2003 toen N.E.C. onder leiding van Johan Neeskens na een 5e plaats Europees ging spelen en daarin werd uitgeschakel

Esther Williams

Esther Jane Williams (August 8, 1921 – June 6, 2013) was an American competitive swimmer and actress. Williams set multiple national and regional swimming records in her late teens as part of the Los Angeles Athletic Club swim team. Unable to compete in the 1940 Summer Olympics because of the outbreak of World War II, she joined Billy Rose's Aquacade, where she took on the role vacated by Eleanor Holm after the show's move from New York City to San Francisco. While in the city, she spent five months swimming alongside Olympic gold medal winner and Tarzan star, Johnny Weissmuller. Williams caught the attention of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer scouts at the Aquacade. After appearing in several small roles, alongside Mickey Rooney in an Andy Hardy film, and future five-time co-star Van Johnson in A Guy Named Joe, Williams made a series of films in the 1940s and early 1950s known as "aquamusicals," which featured elaborate performances with synchronised swimming and diving. From 19