In Gay Madrid

 "In Gay Madrid" 1930 directed by Robert Z. Leonard and written by Alejandro Perez Lugin, Beth Meredyth, Salisbury Field for MGM.

Ramon Novarro, Dorothy Jordan, Lottice Howell, Claude King, Beryl Mercer, Eugenie Besserer, William V. Mong, Nanci Price, Herbert Clark, David Scott, George Chandler, Bruce Coleman, Nicholas Caruso, John Miljan.
After the successes of "The Pagan" and "Devil-May-Care" in 1929, "In Gay Madrid" doesn't quite hold up despite Novarro's fine performance. He is in fine form and there are moments when he is utterly charming in his boyish manner, and he shows an aptitude for screwball comedy as well as heartfelt drama, but the script is not up to par. Dorothy Jordan isn't given much good dialogue, and her behavior lacks motives. The ending asks for us to suspend disbelief and the very ending seems to have been tagged on in a last-minute rush. There are several college aged boys who tend to break out into song, and they are about ten years younger than the film's star. Beryl Mercer is a delight with a saucy attitude advising Dorothy Jordan on the two men in her life and who is more interesting. Recommended for film historians and Ramon Novarro fans.


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