The Half-Naked Truth

 "The Half-Naked Truth" 1932 directed by Gregory La Cava and written by Gregory La Cava and Corey Ford for RKO Radio Pictures

Lupe Velez, Lee Tracy, Eugene Pallette, Frank Morgan, Shirley Chambers, Franklin Pangborn, Robert McKenzie, Mary Mason.
Lee Tracy is fine, but he played this same character in better films such as "Blessed Event" 1932, "Clear All Wires!" 1933, "The Nuisance" 1933, "Dinner at Eight" 1933, "Turn Back the Clock" 1933, and "Bombshell" 1933.
I had seen Lupe Velez in the 1929 Lon Chaney silent, "Where East is East" and in the remake of it, "Kongo" 1932 with Walter Huston, but I had no idea she was such a good singer and dancer. I would like to see more of her work from this era in light entertainment.
Picture : Lee Tracy and Lupe Velez


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