David Starkey " Elizabeth, the struggle for the throne "
The ecution of Lady Jane GreyAt 10 am on Monday, 12th February, the first of Gardiner's sharp and cruel executions took place and it was Guilford Dudley, husband to lady Jane Grey. He was beĥeaded on the Tower Hill.
Afterwards, the body, his carcass thrown into a cart and his head into a cloth was brought back to burial at st Peter and Vicula. His wife watched both his departure to the Tower and the bringing back of his mangled remains.
The scaffold on which she would die had been build on Tower Green. She was wearing the same black dress in which she had been tried. The 2 ladies attending her were in tears but she remained calm. Made a brief speech in which she acknowledged her fault in loving my self and the world , then knelt and recited Misere Mei Deus in English.
The psalm ended, she stood up, gave her gloves and handkerchief to her ladies and the book to the lieutenant. Began to untie her dress. The e

Revolted, she desired him to " let her alone and turned to the ladies. The e

For the first time she saw the block. And...for a moment, the steadfast martyr became a frightened little girl .... I pray you despatch me quickly, she begged.
After she knelt she asked " will you take it off before I lay down? ". " No, Madame", he replied.
She tied the handkerchief round her eyes and groped for the block
"What shall I do, where is it ?"
A bystander helped her , she laid her head and said Lord into your hands I commend my spirit.
The a

From David Starkey " Elizabeth, the struggle for the throne " .
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