Maria Theresa


Maria was the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II, and his first wife Isabella of Parma.

Marie Christine died a few moments after being born.
Her father was inconsolable and found refuge in little Maria Theresa, whom he referred to as his "second self"

Her father did everything in his power to save his beloved little girl, and attended her bedside even at night.
Maria Theresa died on 23rd January 1770.

In order to make the arrangements for the funeral, the emperor, with tears in his eyes, said~
'I have lost, so to speak, my only consolation and pleasure'.
It is said that, even after her death, her father kept her dresses and shoes.

"I have ceased to be a father: it is more than I can bear.
Despite being resigned to it, I cannot stop myself thinking and saying every moment: 'O my God, restore to me my daughter, restore her to me.'
I hear her voice, I see her.
I was dazed when the terrible blow fell.
Only after I had got back to my room did I feel the full horror of it, and I shall go on feeling it all the rest of my life since I shall miss her in everything..."

Her tomb consists of an effigy that represents the young Archduchess sleeping on a bed, covered by a blanket, with her hands towards the sky in sign of prayer and surrounded by the Holy Crown of Hungary, and the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor.



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