Sporting Blood

 "Sporting Blood" 1931 directed by Charles Brabin, written by Frederick Brennan screenplay by Charles Brabin, produced by Marion Davies.

Clark Gable, Ernest Torrence, Madge Evans, Marie Prevost, Lew Cody, Hallam Cooley, J. Farrell MacDonald, John Larkin, Eugene Jackson, Gertrude Howard, Bradley Page, Charles Curtis, Sidney Bracey, Harry Holman, Lynton Brent, Edward Brophy, Richard Cramer, James Donlan, Tenen Holtz.
The real star is a horse born in the rain named Tommy Boy. The first 35 minutes take place in Kentucky with Ernest Torrence as the owner of the horses and the "people of color" who work for him, particularly John Larkin, Gertrude Howard, and there's a very fine performance by a young man named Eugene Jackson, providing the story of Tommy Boy's life before being sold to Harry Holman (B.H. Hartwick) then to a vapid character played by Marie Prevost (Angie Ludeking) and her husband played by Hallam Cooley (Bill Ludeking). When the novelty wears off, Tommy Boy is then sold to Lew Cody (Tip Scanlon). Forty-one minutes into the film is when we see Clark Gable, in his first starring role, with Madge Evans who is excellent in her role. The time prior to seeing Gable, who became the King of Hollywood, is not wasted on horses and actors whose names aren't well known. Director Brabin and cinematographer Harold Rosson capture beautiful fluid shots and the film is like a docudrama before Madge Evans and Clark Gable take center stage. It is a well-paced film and although it is not often seen among Gable's early work, it stands well as a film of its own merits apart from the Gable legacy. He just happens to be in it and he and Evans are young and gorgeous.
Clark Gable and Madge Evans


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