The Penalty

 "The Penalty" is a silent film released in 1920.

The plot revolves around a vengeful criminal, Blizzard (Lon Chaney), who seeks retribution after a surgical error results in the unnecessary amputation of both his legs. Fueled by a desire for revenge, Blizzard becomes a crime lord, using his physical deformity to his advantage.

Lon Chaney's performance is particularly noteworthy, as he not only convincingly portrays the physical challenges of a legless character but also infuses Blizzard with a complex and compelling personality. Chaney's ability to express emotion through his facial expressions and body language is a testament to his skill as a silent film actor.

"The Penalty" is a classic example of silent cinema that showcases Lon Chaney's talent and the creativity of the filmmaking of its time. It provides a unique and engaging experience for those interested in exploring the early days of cinema.

If you're looking to watch a restored version of "The Penalty," the Kino Lorber Blu-ray edition would likely be a good choice.


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