You've been making steady progress, and it's important for you to recognize that this progress (not perfection) is what's important.
This is a message for you to appreciate how much you've already achieved and how many people you've helped along the way. Keep your focus away from any lapses that you think you've made. Guilt and regrets never helped anyone, so let them go today.
You're also asked to forgive yourself for what you think you've done or not done. St. Therese didn't live a life of spiritual perfection (she often fell asleep or was distracted during her prayers, for example). Yet she insisted that it's of steady progression that connects us with God and Heaven. She wrote: "Learn and grow from your challenges, but don't let them stop you from your devotion or spiritual path."
St. Therese was born in Lisieux, France, in 1873 and became a Carmelite nun along with two of her sisters. Therese began having mystical experiences, which she wrote about (only because her mother superior ordered her to do so) in an autobiography called ‘The Story of a Soul.’
Many miraculous cures of ailments such as ulcers, tuberculosis, and arthritis are attributed to St. Therese's intercession. Upon her deathbed, she promised to send roses as a sign of her presence and devotion, so she's often referred to as "Little Flower." 💖
Blue Lotus Divination by Dr. Hutoxi H. Boman
From Saints and Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PH.D.


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