Ann Sheridan

Ann Sheridan in a 1939 glamour sitting by photographer George Hurrell. She was born Clara Lou Sheridan on February 21, 1915, in Denton, Texas, USA. The youngest of five children, she was a self-described tomboy and very athletic. Her sister thought her beautiful enough to send in a picture of Ann in a bathing suit to Paramount Studios. The "Search for Beauty" contest carried, as the prize, a screen test and a bit part in a movie. She won and was signed to a contract at the age of 19. Her first film was the prize: a bit role in “Wagon Wheels” (1934). Performing under her real name of Clara Lou, she appeared in 12 more films that year, most designed to showcase her beauty. In 1935 she left Paramount and signed with Warner Brothers, where more of the same followed. It wasn't until 1938 that Clara Lou, now Ann, landed a role with substance in “Angels with Dirty Faces” (1938). She grew into a leading star who could adapt to any role. The public loved her, and critics began to take notice of her after terrific performances in “Torrid Zone” (1940) and as the saucy waitress in “They Drive by Night” (1940). She was also singled out for another standout performance in “Kings Row” (1942) with Ronald Reagan. More hits followed and she quickly became one of the most glamorous women in Hollywood. Nicknamed the "Oomph Girl," her beauty made her a favorite pin-up, along with Betty Grable. As she entered the 1950s, however, her career went into a decline. A crop of younger actresses coming up meant her services were no longer in demand. She moved to New York and took whatever acting jobs she could find, whether on stage or TV. Most soap opera fans may remember her in “Another World” (1964), but she is best remembered by TV audiences as Henrietta Hanks in the western comedy “Pistols 'n' Petticoats” (1966). Her career was taking off again, but the success was short-lived. Ann became ill during the filming and sadly passed away of esophageal cancer on January 21, 1967 (aged 51). šŸ™šŸ»✨



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