Katharine of Aragon and Arthur Tudor


One of the age old mysteries regarding the Tudors is, did they, or didn't they?

His birth was a great joy to his parents, Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, and bought with it, security for the Tudor Dynasty.

Arthur was said to have a friendly disposition and a gentle personality accompanied by a handsome face.

Katharine and Arthur were married on the 14th November 1501, at St Paul’s Cathedral, amidst sumptuous pageantry and ceremony.
The bride was led to the altar by the ten-year-old boy who was about to become her brother-in-law, Henry, Duke of York.
Arthur was six weeks past his fifteenth birthday.

According to witnesses, Arthur had staggered out of their wedding bed the following morning, demanding ale to quench his thirst~
“I have this Night been in the midst of Spain, which is a hot region, and that journey maketh me so dry,” he reportedly said.
“And if thou hadst been under that hot climate, thou wouldst have been drier than I.”

The young teenagers, were not able to enjoy married life for long.
Four months later, on the 2nd April 1502, Arthur was dead.

She claimed they had slept together only seven times, and the results had been disappointing.....
Katharine would say that she had
“remained as intact and uncorrupted, as the day she left her mother’s womb”.......

Did Arthur take her maidenhead, as he proclaims he did.....
Witnesses to Arthur's statements, certainly think so, but was that just the bragging of a young boy, or had he really spent the night in the 'midst of Spain'......
Katharine would maintain her womanhood was intact, that Arthur's clumsy fumbles left her still a virgin....
Was she still a virgin, or did she just say she was, to marry Arthur's brother, Henry....
You decide 



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