The Return of Dr. X (1939)

Bogey's oddest role!
A blood scientist (John Litel) figures out a way to revive the dead by decoagulating their blood with electricity and by giving them artificial blood transfusions thereby turning them into vampires!
The creepy goings on (which, with all the talk about synthetic blood and such, remind me a bit of Scream and Scream Again, except not nearly as nasty) keep getting undermined by scene after scene of a jokey, horny reporter (Wayne Morris) and his doctor friend (Dennis Morgan); there's even a part for Huntz Hall, and he's not even the goofiest character onscreen!
A pasty-faced Bogey almost looks as if he was meant to be turned into a living dead Peter Lorre caricature; and there's a nifty switcheroo with a dead rabbit.
The creepy parts are good, the rest, mostly unmemorable.
This is what Michael Wheldon meant when he coined the term Psychotronic Film.


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