The Leuchtenburg
The Leuchtenburg is the ruins of a hilltop castle above Lake Caldaro in South Tyrol. It is located on a 576 m slm high elevation in the south of the Mitterberg in the area of the municipality of Pfatten and overlooks the Adige Valley in the area of Überetsch and Unterland. A little north below the castle ruins is the crossing of the Kreiter saddle, which is guarded by the nearby Laimburg. The light castle is protected by a gigantic shield wallrespectively a tall coat. This goes beyond the purely fortificatory moment, since the castle is in a well-protected place anyway.
The main castle itself consists of the oval, high mantle and some residential buildings inside. In addition, the Leuchtenburg has two outlying castles that were built later.
The exact dating of the construction is uncertain, the period between 1200 and 1250 is often mentioned; the South Tyrolean Castle Institute even assumes that it was built before 1200. More recent dating attempts suggest the first half of the 14th century.
The Leuchtenburg has been uninhabited since 1610 and gradually fell into disrepair. The masonry was conserved in the 20th century.
View of the shield wall
View through the entrance to the main castle
View over Lake Caldaro to the ruins
Martin Mittermair: Light Castle. In: Magdalena Hörmann-Weingartner (ed.): Tiroler Burgenbuch. X. Volume: Überetsch and South Tyrolean Unterland. Verlagsanstalt Athesia, Bolzano 2011, ISBN 978-88-8266-780-1, pp. 281-300.
web links
Commons: Leuchtenburg (South Tyrol) - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Entry in the monument browser on the website of the South Tyrolean Provincial Monuments Office
Castles and palaces in South Tyrol
Afing | Aichach | Altenburg (Eppan) | Altenburg (Caldaro) | Altrasen | Andrian | Annenberg | Ashburg | Auer | Boymont | Brandis | Bronzolo | Braunsberg | Brunico | Brunnenburg | Burgstall | Castelfeder | Churburg | Dornsberg | Drossturm | Ehrenburg | English | Enn | Eschenlohe | Fahlburg | Festenstein | Fischburg | Fragsburg | Freudenstein | Fröhlichsburg | Fuchsberg | Furstenburg | Gandegg | Gerstein | Goyen | gold rain | Greifenstein | Gruonsberg | Haderburg | on the Hanging Stone | Haselburg | Hauenstein | Helfenburg | Appiano | Hochgalsaun | Hochnaturns | Hofburg | in the wood | Jaufenburg | Johanneskofel | Juval | Kaldiff | Kampen | Carneid | Carnol | Kasach | Castelbello | Kastellatz (Mals) | Castellatz (Tramin) | Katzenstein | cat tongues | Kehlburg | adhesive stone | Knillenberg | basket | Kranzelstein | Kroll Tower | Labers | Laimburg | Lamprechtsburg | Princely Castle | Laces | Lebenberg | Leonburg | Light Castle | Lichtenberg | Liechtenstein | Corn | Marech | Mayenburg | Michelsburg | Montalban | Moss | Mühlbacher Klause | Neuhaus (Gais) | Neuhaus (Terlano) | Neurasen | Nobody's friend | upper mud | Upper Montani | Ortenstein | Payrsberg | Pfefferberg | Planta | Prösels | Rafenstein | Rametz | Reichenberg | tire egg | tire stone | Reinegg | Rendelstein | Ried | Rodenegg | Rosenstein | Rottenstein | rotunda | Ruby | Rundegg | Runkelstein | Salegg | Salern | Schenkenberg | Scena | Schlandersberg | Schoeneck | Sigmundskron | Sonnenburg | speaking stone | Stachlburg | Stein am Renon | Steinegg | Stetteneck | Strassberg | Summersberg | Campo Tures | Thurn (St. Martin) | Thurn (Taisten) | Thurnstein | Tinzl Tower | Tyrol | Trauttmansdorff | faithful stone | Trostburg | Tschenglsberg | Tschenglsburg | underslush | Lower Montani | Uttenheim | Velturno | Vintl | Voitsberg | Vorst | Walbenstein | Wangen-Bellermont | Warth | fortified castle | Weineck | Welfenstein | Welsperg | Werrenberg | Angle | Wolfsthurn (Andrian) | Wolfsthurn (Ratschings) | Selva | Zenoburg | Zwingenburg | force stone.

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