Killer Shark (1950)

A college student takes a break and goes out to sea with his father, the captain of a shark-hunting boat. When his inexperience results in an accident in which his father and a crewman are badly injured, he tries to make up for it by rounding up another crew and going back out on the hunt. However, things don't turn out quite the way he planned.
Roddy McDowell & Roland Winters
Killer Shark (1950)
Directed by
Oscar Boetticher
Screenplay by
Charles Lang
Produced by
Ace Herman
Roddy McDowall
Lindsley Parsons
Roddy McDowall as Ted White
Laurette Luez as Maria
Roland Winters as Jeffrey White
Edward Norris as Ramon, a crewman
Rick Vallin as Joe, a crewman
Douglas Fowley as Louie Bracado
Nacho Galindo as Maestro, the cook
Ralf Harolde as Slattery
Dick Moore as Jonesy
Ted Hecht as Gano, a crewman
Charles Lang as Mack McCann
Robert Espinoza as Pinon, the boy
John Sebastian as Tony, a crewman (as Julio Sebastian)
Tom Coleman as a seaman
Julian Rivero as the Doctor
George Slocum as Capt. Hansen
Frank Sully as Patrick, the bartender
Ken Terrell as Barroom Tough In Black
William A. Sickner
Edited by
Leonard W. Herman
Music by
Edward J. Kay
Production Company
Monogram Pictures


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