Mayo Methot

 Mayo Methot, March 3, 1904, Chicago, IL - June 9, 1951, Portland, OR. Stage actress who dabbled in four silent films then, in 1930, focused on films. She had been married to John La Mond 1921-1927, Percy Tredegar Morgan Jr. 1931-1937, and Humphrey Bogart 1938-1945. She was much more than Bogart's third wife who suffered from alcoholism and a bad temper. Mayo Methot was a very powerful actress, and she is an asset to the 29 sound films she was in between 1930 and 1940. "Corsair" 1931, "Vanity Street" 1932, "Virtue" 1932, "Afraid to Talk" 1932, "The Mind Reader" 1933, "Lilly Turner" 1933, "Counsellor at Law" 1933, "Jimmy the Gent" 1934, "Registered Nurse" 1934, "Dr. Socrates" 1935, "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" 1936, and "Marked Woman" 1938, are just some of the films made better due to her presence.


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