Knights Templar


He handed them over to the Inquisition for interrogation and confiscated all the Order’s property in France.
Accusations were made against the Templars, who had allegedly worshipped the Devil, denied God, Christ and the Virgin Mary, as well as spitting or urinating on the cross, and engaging in ritual homosexuality.

Many confessed that they were strictly barred from relations with women, so they had been forced to submit to homosexual embraces, and also made to deny Christ and spit on the cross.
A few of the confessions told of worshipping a curious head, sometimes called Baphomet.
It was described variously as carved of wood or painted on a beam, bearded, covered with silver or gold leaf, or with four legs.

On 11th May 1310, fifty-four Templars were burned at the stake in a field outside Paris.
After this burning, many of those still alive in prison hastily announced that their confessions had been true after all.
Philip eventually pressured the French pope, Clement V, into closing the Order down in 1312.
Two years later the Grand Master himself, Jacques de Molay, was burned alive in Paris.

One current theory is that the head called Baphomet was the embalmed head of Christ, and another has the Templars as custodians of the Holy Grail.
The Holy Grail came to them ultimately by way of Mary Magdalene and which they eventually hid away in Scotland.
Many think the treasures of the Knights Templar, was then transfered to Nova Scotia....namely Oak Island!



Illustration, anonyme Chronik, Von der Schöpfung der Welt bis 1384.
Bibliothèque Municipale, Besançon, France.
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