The role of women in Tudor times

Despite the fact that England was ruled by two Tudor queens during this period, women were still regarded as being inferior to men.

The poorer families, thought girls were an extra expense that the family could do without, a young girl simply being an extra mouth to feed, who brought no money into the home.

Mary, Elizabeth, Margaret, Anne, Alice, Jane, Joan, Catherine, Agnes, and Elinor.
Elizabeth became the most common name for girls towards the second of the 16th century, perhaps because England was being ruled by Queen Elizabeth.

It was not uncommon for a Tudor wife to be pregnant every year. The risk of miscarriages, as well as the rate of infant mortality, was high.

In many cases, women were not even treated properly while suffering from illnesses related to childbirth or infections, especially among the poorer classes.

It put women’s health in grave danger.

For example, she was allowed to wear her hair loose, only if she was unmarried.
A married woman had to fasten her hair up, and wear it beneath a veil and hood.

The colours that she was allowed to wear were also restricted through the effects of the sumptuary laws.

On the top, there was the bodice and a brightly coloured long gown.
Women often tended to make their waists look as thin as possible. For this purpose, they used corsets and wore wide skirts.
The middle-class and the poor women usually wore a woollen gown with an apron on top.
A cloth bonnet was worn on the head.

Wife beating was commonplace, and escape from a violent marriage was practically impossible.

They could not even make their own will, without the consent of their husband.

She also had to supervise the servants, expected to be skilled in household expenses and works, entertaining other nobilty, and be able to raise children......
Whilst still being a good, dutiful and loving wife to her Husband.

Women in 16th century England, were limited to providing an heir to the family, and supporting her husband in running his house.

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