"THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" --- (1960) --- 

SYNOPSIS: "A Mexican village is at the mercy of Calvera, the leader of a band of outlaws. The townspeople, too afraid to fight for themselves, hire seven American gunslingers to free them from the bandits' raids. The professional gunmen train the villagers to defend themselves, then plan a trap for the evil Calvera."
STARRING: Yul Brynner, Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Eli Wallach, Horst Buchholz, Robert Vaughn and Brad Dexter.
SCREENPLAY: Credited to William Roberts, is a remake - in an Old West-style - of Akira Kurosawa's 1954 Japanese film "Seven Samurai" (itself initially released in the United States and "The Magnificent Seven").
DIRECTOR: John Sturges
It was nominated for one (1) Academy Award but did not win.
It was nominated for six (6) additional awards, from various entities, and won one (1) of them.


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