One thing that strikes me about this movie, is the "message" from the filmmakers that scrolls down the screen, before the movie has a chance to begin, making it VERY clear what the movie is about and why they chose to make it. It makes me wonder just how bad juvenile delinquency was back then, or if it was a sudden eruption of it, that made people so concerned. If those people only knew what our youth were up to in this time and place. Since this movie was made, we have certainly had many movies similar to this one, also portraying the issues with gangs and "JD's, showing how much more harmful they are to each other and society. Some things never change. I'm glad one of them are movies which speak to social issues and that, hopefully, inspire change.
"World War II veteran Richard Dadier takes a teaching position at a rough New York City school for boys. The staff warns him that the students are nearly impossible to control, but the optimistic Richard remains unfazed. Soon, though, he realizes that his class isn't merely rowdy -- they can be downright dangerous. The students, led by the thuggish Artie West, threaten their teacher and his family with violence, yet Richard refuses to give up on the troubled teens."
Glenn Ford, Vic Morrow, Ann Francis, Jamie Farr and Sidney Poitier
Rochard Brooks, based on the story by Evan Hunter, as adapted from the novel of the same name.
Richard Brooks
It was nominated for a total of six (6) awards, four (4) of them Academy Awards, but won none.


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