Queen Jane Proclaimed

 10 July 1553: Queen Jane Proclaimed

Queen Jane landed at Tower Wharf at three o'clock in the afternoon after sailing from Sion House, her home since she had married, and was met by a kneeling Privy Council. She was accompanied with a great company of lords and nobles, who entered the Tower first, the Duke of Northumberland leading.

The ladies followed, then the queen, the train of her dress held by her mother. Her husband, Lord Guilford, with his hat in his hand, showed himself to be a handsome youth.

For an hour between five and six o'clock the Tower guns pealed, alerting the public of momentous changes. Once they fell silent, two heralds and trumpets, with the Lords of the Council, Lord Mayor of London and others, journeyed throughout London proclaiming the news of Edward VI's death and why Queen Jane was ascending the throne.

Source ~ The Tudor Socialite: A Social Calendar of Tudor Life Book by Jan-Marie Knights


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