Mary Fitton

Mary Fitton (Fytton) was born sometime around 1578, she was the daughter of Sir Edward Fitton and Alice Halcroft.
Mary became a maid of honour to Elizabeth I in about 1595. She scandalised court with her affair with William Herbert later Earl of Pembroke, she became his mistress, and was soon pregnant. Her baby boy died immediately after birth. Both Mary and Pembroke were dismissed from court.
Despite her father's shame at her behaviour, Mary was unabashed by it. She later had an affair with a married man Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Leveson, bearing him two daughters. Another affair brought a son and her mother disowned her.
She finally married in 1606 to William Polwhelem after his death she married again to John Lougher. Widowed again in 1636, her last husband left her a little money that she lived on until her own death in 1647.
Portrait of Mary Fitton circa 1595 (public domain)
Sources: Letters of Robert Cecil to George Carew p. 65 and
Mary Fitton, Rosemary O'Day.


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