Helen of Troy


The first written record of Helen is in the Iliad but the origins of the myth that surrounds her dates back to the Bronze Age.

The whole backstory of the war being triggered by Paris’s abduction of Helen is historically implausible.
Historically speaking, it makes no sense why all the armies of all the kingdoms of Greece would need to be assembled just to recapture one woman.
It also makes no historical sense why the Trojans did not simply give Helen back to Menelaos to save their city, and hundreds of people.

If you really want to know what Helen of Troy looked like, the answer is that she looked however you personally imagine her to have looked, because she is a fictional character.

It is made clear in the Iliad, that Helen’s beauty is more than just an ordinary, mortal beauty.
Its claimed her beauty is supernatural and otherworldly.
The reason why Helen is so beautiful, is because she is the daughter of Zeus himself.

People of each era have remade Helen to match their own standards of perfect beauty.
Today we are free to imagine Helen however we like, just as every other generation has been free to imagine her before us.



Painting of Helen standing alone holding a mirror by the English Pre-Raphaelite painter Evelyn de Morgan c1898
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