
Little is known of Bessie's early years, we don't know the date of her birth, we don't know the date of her death, and we can't even be sure what she looked like ~ except for her reputation as a beauty ~ and for her famous affair with King Henry VIII.
As a young girl, she came to the King's Court as a maid-of-honour to the King's wife, Katharine of Aragon.
It was there that the young woman caught the eye of the King and became his mistress.

While Katharine remained his wife, Henry was no longer deeply in love with her, and tired of her failings to give him a male heir.
In a very short time, Bessie Blount came to mean everything to him.
Their relationship continued for about eight years.

He was the only illegitimate son of Henry VIII whom the King acknowledged as his own.
After the child's birth, the affair ended.

Like Bessie, Mary was never formally recognised as the King's mistress, and the position of Kings Official Mistress was never offered by Henry to anyone but Anne Boleyn, who rejected it!

Lord Tailboys died in 1530, and left her a widow of comfortable means.
By her marriage to Tailboys, she had three further children, two sons, George and Robert, and one daughter, Elizabeth.

They were married some time between 1533 and 1535, and this union produced three daughters.
On 23 July 1536, Bessie and King Henry's son, Henry FitzRoy died, probably of tuberculosis, he was just seventeen.

Bessie returned to her husband's estates, where she died shortly afterwards, sometime in 1539.
It has traditionally been asserted, that the cause of her death was consumption.




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