Amy Robsart


Members of Amy's household were attending a fayre in Abingdon.
Upon their return they discovered Amy lying dead at the foot of the staircase.
Initial reports claimed Amy had died from head injuries and a broken neck.

It is generally believed that she was depressed, and this led to suggestions that if her death was not accidental, it may have been suicide.
However, rumours started that Amy may have been murdered in order for her husband, Robert Dudley to marry Queen Elizabeth I.
Queen Elizabeth I of course, did not marry Dudley.
In fact Elizabeth never married anyone ~ and the exact cause of Amy’s death may never be known.

The atmosphere at Cumnor Place has also been described as oppressive and uncomfortable.
Could this heavy, dark atmosphere be related to the story that Amy may have been murdered there?

There were reports of scary noises and an angry spirit throwing objects, before the house was abandoned.
Amy continued to haunt Cumnor Place every Christmas, until the house was demolished in 1810.
Her ghost then moved to her parent's home at Syderstone Hall.

The story suggests that nine Oxfordshire parsons came to Cumnor because of the haunting, and laid Amy’s ghost to rest in a nearby pond.
This pond, however, never froze over again.
A fact which the locals took as a sign that her ghost was still trapped there.

This is now part of Worcester College.
Her spirit is said to haunt the common room, where it is thought her body was laid before the funeral.

Dudley was out hunting at Cornbury Park near Charlbury in August 1588, when he became separated from his hunting party.
The spectral shape of his wife loomed before him, and with a great laugh his phantom wife told him they would be reunited in 10 days.
According to the legend, this prophecy came true. Dudley died 10 days later, on 4th September 1588......
Haunted History


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