Navigating the North Atlantic

The Vikings, primarily the Norwegians, owe their deep empirical knowledge, primarily based on careful and natural observation without sophisticated instruments, for their ability to travel far distances. It has been proven that Vikings, guided by currents, winds, and seasons, reached the Shetland Islands. They continued their journey in the North Atlantic, reaching the Faroe Islands, where they supposedly landed in the 9th century. Around 860, they discovered Iceland before sighting Greenland, where they settled in the late 10th century. From there, they sailed even farther west, likely reaching the northeastern coast of North America around the year 1000, almost five centuries before Christopher Columbus discovered Central America.
The question that historians have been trying to answer for a long time is how the Vikings navigated over such long distances without maps, written itineraries, or compasses. Several experts have claimed that the Vikings invented navigational instruments that allowed them to navigate better on the ocean. The most frequently mentioned example is the "sunstone," a crystal that polarizes light. Others have favored the "solar compass," discovered by an archaeologist in Greenland in 1948.
However, no conclusive evidence has been provided regarding the use of these instruments by the Vikings. Therefore, it is generally believed today that it was their deep empirical knowledge, primarily based on careful and natural observation without sophisticated instruments, that enabled them to venture further. This method is known as navigation by sight or dead reckoning. Not only did the Vikings possess good astronomical knowledge, but they could also interpret the indications provided by their environment. Since ancient times, the observation of seabirds has been a method of orientation used by mariners worldwide. When they spotted birds, they could conclude that land was nearby.
The ability of the Vikings to navigate the North Atlantic without maps or compasses remains an impressive feat in maritime history. Their reliance on empirical knowledge, observation, and the natural elements allowed them to explore and settle new lands, shaping the course of history and opening the way for future explorers.
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