Long ago, a party of Dakota warriors went out on a buffalo hunt. Afterward, they went around to survey their kills. They came upon an injured buffalo who was being guarded by another. The hunters tried to chase the healthy buffalo away, but he wouldn't leave. He even charged at them. He was strong and able to run but he wouldn't leave the other buffalo behind. They decided to leave them be and come back the next day, concluding that the healthy buffalo would leave eventually. When they returned the next day, they were surprised to see that the strong buffalo remained. He stayed right there by the side of his brother. The strong buffalo would gently prod his injured relative, urging him to rise. The hunters left again, deciding to check back the following day. When they came back, they saw that the buffalo brothers were still together- only now, the injured buffalo appeared to be getting stronger. The hunters realized the buffalo might survive after all, thanks to his brother. When they returned on the fourth day, both buffalo were gone, with two sets of buffalo tracks leaving the site where the one once lay dying. The injured buffalo had recovered, thanks to the encouragement and strength of his brother. And so we should follow their example. We will encourage our relatives when they're wounded in body, heart, mind or spirit. We shall not leave them behind when they've fallen, and run with them when they rise. This is the tale of the Buffalo Brothers, as it was told to me by an elder.


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