Who lies in the Mortuary Chests at Winchester Cathedral?


Historical records indicate that the bones were placed in the mortuary chests around the high altar of the cathedral, in the twelfth-century.
However, in 1642, at the beginning of the English Civil War, Parliamentarian troops entered the cathedral and toppled the chests in an act of sacrilege.
The church officials, who had no way of knowing which bones belonged to who, simply placed them back in the six chests.

Cynegils died in 643
Cynewulf died in 786
Ecbert died in 839
Æthelwulf died in 858
Eadred died 955
Edmund Ironside died 1016
Cnut died 1035
and William Rufus died 1100

Cnut’s wife Emma died 1052
Bishop Wini died 670
Bishop Alfwyn died 1047
and Archbishop Stigand died 1072.

It showed that these bones definitely come from the late Anglo-Saxon and early Norman periods - which is consistent with the historical burial records of the named individuals.

Hopefully the bones can be laid to rest back in their respective chests.
The Tudor Intruders (and more)


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