The Four Marys: Ladies-in-Waiting to Mary Queen of Scots
The Four Marys: Ladies-in-Waiting to Mary Queen of Scots
. When five year old Mary Stuart travelled to France in 1548, she was escorted by her four ladies-in-waiting, coincidentally all named Mary.
Mary was to marry Francis the Dauphin of France, as soon as she came of age.
It's highly likely that Mary’s mother, the French Marie de Guise, personally chose the young girls to be companions to the young Queen. The four ladies-in-waiting all had Scottish fathers, and two of them had French mothers.
Therefore, they could be relied upon to be loyal ~ not only to their Scottish Queen, but also to the French Queen Mother, Marie de Guise. The four Marys were to become the Queen’s closest companions and friends, as well as her ladies-in-waiting.
They are ~
Mary Seton,
Mary Fleming,
Mary Beaton,
and Mary Livingston. Mary Fleming was also a relative of Mary Queen of Scots.
Fleming’s mother was the illegitimate half-sister of Mary Queen of Scots’ late father King James V
In 1548, the four Marys joined their Queen at Inchmahome Priory, in preparation for their journey to France.
Upon their arrival in France, Mary Queen of Scots joined the Valois children in the royal nursery, whilst her ladies were sent away to be educated by Dominican nuns. Mary's ladies rejoined their mistress at the French court, when they were older.
However their time in France was not to be for as long as anticipated.
Although Mary Queen of Scots married Francis, they ruled France together for only a year before the young King died in 1560. The four Marys returned with their young queen, to Scotland.
Scotland would be the place where the four Marys would seek their own husbands, just as their now widowed Queen, would also seek out another two!
Mary's ladies also married, all except Mary Seton who remained in the Queen’s service until 1585, when she left the Queen’s household to become a nun. In April 1566, Mary Beaton married Alexander Ogilvy.
Mary was with Mary Queen of Scots, when she gave birth to her son and heir James, in June 1566.
Mary Beaton died in 1597, aged about 54, leaving at least two children and three grandchildren.
Mary Beaton has been depicted in history as a model lady in waiting, and one who was well educated.
It is recorded that Mary Beaton’s own handwriting, was very similar to that of Mary Queen of Scots. Mary Livingston married John Sempill in the same year that Mary Queen of Scots married Lord Darnley.
Both Mary Livingston and her husband’s characters were not considered to be honourable and respectful.
The Scottish Reformer John Knox, wrote that Livingston was “lusty” and her husband was a “chancer”.
He even rumoured that Livingston had conceived her child before the marriage, and therefore was of unworthy character to be a lady-in-waiting to the Queen. Mary Fleming married a man who was many years older than her, Sir William Maitland.
Maitland was the Queen’s royal secretary.
In 1573 they were captured at Edinburgh Castle.
Mary’s husband died shortly after their capture, and she herself was kept a prisoner.
Mary Fleming was forced to give up her belongings and her estate was not returned to her until 1581/2 by King James VI, the son of her former Queen and mistress.
The Tudor Intruders (and more)
. Source~HistoricUK
. Mary Queen of Scots with the Four Marys, during her time in France.
By James Shaw Crompton
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