The Incredible Hulk

 "The Incredible Hulk" is a superhero film released in 2008, directed by Louis Leterrier and starring Edward Norton as Bruce Banner/The Hulk.

The story follows Bruce Banner, a scientist who, due to exposure to gamma radiation, transforms into a giant green humanoid monster known as the Hulk whenever he experiences intense emotions such as anger or stress. Fearing the destructive potential of the Hulk, Banner goes into hiding, attempting to find a cure for his condition while evading capture by the military, who are eager to weaponize his abilities.

Set in various locations around the world, including Brazil, the United States, and New York City, the film sees Banner attempting to control his transformations while being pursued by General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (William Hurt) and his soldiers. Along the way, Banner reconnects with his former lover and colleague, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler), and faces off against the ruthless soldier Emil Blonsky (Tim Roth), who becomes the monstrous Abomination through a military experiment gone wrong.

"The Incredible Hulk" is known for its action-packed sequences, showcasing the Hulk's immense strength and power as he battles against various foes, including the military and the Abomination.

Edward Norton delivers a nuanced performance as Bruce Banner, portraying him as a tormented and introspective figure grappling with his inner demons. The supporting cast, including Liv Tyler, William Hurt, and Tim Roth, also deliver strong performances, adding depth and complexity to the film's characters.


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