
Commissioned in the 12th century by King Henry II, Newgate Prison remained in use all the way through to 1902.

It was said that the prison was so dirty and squalid, that the floors crunched as you walked due to all of the lice and bedbugs.
The women’s area was equally as appalling, crowded with half naked women, drunk, sometimes deranged, in leg irons and often with their children in tow.

At the same time as the prison rebuild, the site for London’s public gallows moved from Tyburn, over to Newgate Prison.
This meant that the public executions were now held in the heart of the City of London, drawing large audiences all the way up until the public executions were abandoned in 1868.

The church of St Sepulchre-without-Newgate, also has a rather ghoulish part to play in the executions.
At midnight on the eve of an execution, a bellman would walk along the prison tunnels ringing ‘twelve solemn towels with double strokes’ on his handbell whist chanting~
“All you that in the condemned hold do lie, Prepare you, for tomorrow you shall die;
Watch all and pray, the hour is drawing near That you before the Almighty must appear;
Examine well yourselves, in time repent, That you may not to eternal flames be sent:
And when St. Sepulchre’s bell tomorrow tolls, The Lord above have mercy on your souls.”

The Old Bailey now stands on the site of the old Newgate Prison. However, if you venture around the back of Amen Court, you will find something quite unexpected ~ the only surviving wall of Newgate Prison!


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