Donald Duck
Donald Duck made his cartoon debut in “The Wise Little Hen” back in the summer of 1934.
Donald Fauntleroy Duck is a cartoon character created in 1934 at Walt Disney Productions...appeared in comic books, movies, TV shows, books and on the radio.
Donald Duck has appeared in more films than any other Disney character and is the most published comic book character in the world outside of the superhero genre.
Donald Duck made his cartoon debut in “The Wise Little Hen” back in the summer of 1934. But he wouldn’t meet Mickey Mouse until his second appearance in “Orphan’s Benefit” later that year. From there, it wasn’t long before Daisy Duck and his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie were introduced. In spite of their superior diction, they weren’t able to steal the spotlight from Donald. You can’t replace his grumpy, nearly incomprehensible charm, and it’s why the Donald has been in more movies (200+) than any Disney character.
And his accomplishments don’t stop there. He co-hosted the Oscars in 1958 with a little help from Bob Hope, Jack Lemmon, and Jimmy Stewart. Oh, and they named an asteroid after him in 1995. If that doesn’t convince you he’s a force of nature, know that he has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We’re not sure how he left webbed foot prints in front of the Chinese Theater, but we’ll gladly roll with it. Well, what do you give to a duck that has it all? His own holiday!
Donald Duck is one of the most iconic characters of the Disney franchise and has, for multiple generations, been one of the hallmarks of childhood and innocence. Also, of rage driven spite filled incoherent rambling while spraying the area around you like a sprinkler in high summer. There was something in his tendency to fly completely off the handle and rail at the slightest provocation that touched a part of us all. Everyone had times when they’ve just had enough, and Donald gave us the perfect way to respond. By raging incoherently while stamping our feet. It pays to lose your cool once in a while.
Donald Duck may spark a plethora of childhood memories too, the unique voice known as pseudobulbar dysarthria may resonate in your mind and take you back to the old age times where you were tried and tried to emulate that voice with your friends, perhaps you still do!
He certainly does deserve to be celebrated and there is at least seventy years of joy that this duck has brought to the world, what is your first memory of Donald Duck?

Donald Duck received the 2, 257th STAR on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in August 2004.
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