Code of Silence

 "Code of Silence" is a 1985 action thriller film directed by Andrew Davis and starring Chuck Norris in the lead role. The film is known for its blend of martial arts action, suspenseful plot, and gritty urban setting.

In "Code of Silence," Chuck Norris plays Eddie Cusack, a tough Chicago police officer who becomes embroiled in a conflict with both a powerful drug cartel and corrupt cops within his own department. As he investigates a drug-related murder, Cusack must navigate treacherous alliances and confront dangerous criminals while upholding his own strict moral code.

The film features intense action sequences, including martial arts fights, shootouts, and car chases, as Cusack battles to bring justice to the streets of Chicago.

"Code of Silence" is considered a classic of the action genre and remains a fan favorite among Chuck Norris fans and enthusiasts of 1980s action cinema.


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