The Raven

 "The Raven" is a 1935 American horror film directed by Louis Friedlander.

Loosely based on Edgar Allan Poe's famous poem of the same name, the film tells the story of Dr. Richard Vollin (Bela Lugosi) a brilliant but deranged surgeon with a fascination for Poe's macabre works.

When a young woman named Jean Thatcher suffers a serious injury in a car accident, Dr. Vollin becomes obsessed with her and offers to perform experimental surgery to save her life. However, his true motives are revealed when he becomes infatuated with Jean and plots to win her affection by any means necessary.

"The Raven" is notable for its atmospheric black-and-white cinematography, eerie set designs, and Lugosi's chilling performance as the unhinged Dr. Vollin. While the film takes liberties with Poe's original poem and incorporates elements from other works by the author, it remains a classic example of early Hollywood horror cinema.


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