
 "Commando" is a 1985 American action film directed by Mark L. Lester and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in the lead role. The film follows the story of John Matrix (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a retired Special Forces Colonel, who is forced back into action when his daughter Jenny (Alyssa Milano) is kidnapped by a group of mercenaries led by the ruthless Bennett (Vernon Wells).

With little time to spare, Matrix embarks on a high-octane mission to rescue his daughter and take down the villains responsible. Along the way, he encounters Cindy (Rae Dawn Chong), a flight attendant who becomes an unexpected ally in his quest for vengeance.

"Commando" is known for its adrenaline-fueled action sequences, explosive stunts, and memorable one-liners delivered by Schwarzenegger. The film features a series of intense confrontations as Matrix battles his way through hordes of enemies, using his military training and brute strength to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

"Commando" has become a cult classic of the action genre. Its over-the-top action sequences, memorable characters, and quotable dialogue have cemented its status as a beloved favorite among fans of 1980s action cinema.


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