Streets of Fire

 "Streets of Fire" is a 1984 action film directed by Walter Hill.

Set in a retro-futuristic city, the movie follows a former soldier turned mercenary named Tom Cody (Michael Paré). When Cody's ex-girlfriend, rock singer Ellen Aim, (Diane Lane) is kidnapped by a biker gang led by the ruthless Raven Shaddock, (Willem Dafoe) Cody sets out on a dangerous rescue mission.

Joined by Ellen's manager, Billy Fish (Rick Moranis) and a tough but resourceful ex-soldier named McCoy (Amy Madigan) Cody ventures into the dangerous streets of the city to confront Raven and his gang and rescue Ellen.

"Streets of Fire" is renowned for its stylish visuals, electrifying action sequences, and a pulsating soundtrack featuring rock music by artists like Jim Steinman, The Blasters, and Ry Cooder. The film's blend of neo-noir aesthetics, rock 'n' roll energy, and 1950s nostalgia creates a unique and immersive atmosphere.

"Streets of Fire" gained a cult following for its distinctive style and memorable characters. It's a must-watch for fans of action-packed thrillers and those who appreciate innovative filmmaking that blends genres and influences to create a one-of-a-kind cinematic experience.


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