Glamis Castle

From its inception in 1016, the castle has housed royalty.
In 1034, when it was just a humble royal hunting lodge, King Malcolm II, was assassinated there.

More recently it was the childhood home of Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon who married George VI.
Their daughter, Princess Margaret was also born there.

One is said to be Macbeth, and a Grey Lady haunts the chapel.
Earl Beardie plays dice with the Devil and a ghostly madman can be seen walking on the roof along ‘The Mad Earl’s Walk’ on wild winter nights.

She was accused of practising witchcraft against King John V of Scotland.
Through the false testimonies of many witnesses, she was convicted and burned at the stake in 1537.
Today, she is thought to be The Grey Lady, who is often seen in the family chapel.

One night he was playing cards, and his friend wanted to stop because it was the Sabbath.
When his friend and the servants refused to continue the game, Earl Beardie reportedly said he wanted to keep playing even “if it is with the Devil himself.”
At midnight, the Devil appeared in disguise, and after some commotion, Beardie is said to have lost his soul in a card game. Beardie is still heard behind closed doors, yelling, swearing and rattling dice.
He is also thought to don a suit of armor and lean over people sleeping in their beds.

Lord Glamis allowed them in and hid them in a secret chamber.
Being a friend of the Lindsays, the Earl locked the door and walked away, leaving the Ogilvy’s to die.
Years later, noises were heard from behind the now walled-up room.
It was then that the skeletons were discovered.
Today, people feel unease in this room.

Born badly-deformed on 21st October 1821, records show he died the same day.
But.....many believe that he survived, and the family kept him out of sight because he was so “unpresentable,” he was removed from the line of succession.
He was only allowed out at night for fresh air and exercise, walking along the roof, parapets and grounds.
Thomas is rumoured to have lived until the 1920s, and when he died, his rooms were walled off, and people still have not found them.
To this day, if you count the number of windows on the outside of the castle and compare that to the number of windows you can access from the inside, you will come up two windows short.

Legend says it is a maid who discovered a terrible secret that only the Earl knew.
When she said she would share the secret, he ordered the guards to cut out her tongue and then had her killed.

Just before the 13th Earl Strathmore died in 1904, he confided to a friend that the secret of Glamis was so horrifying, that if his friend knew it, he would get down on his knees to give thanks it wasn’t his secret to keep.

A servant boy, brutally hunted to death by an Earl and his guests in a savage game, stalks the corridors evermore.
Screaming sounds issue suddenly from empty rooms, and hammering noises pierce the silence of the night.
A female guest was woken by the sound of hammering one night. When she mentioned it to her hosts at breakfast, they asked her not to speak of it again............


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