Charles I and Henrietta Maria


The match signalled Britain’s firm alignment with France against Habsburg Spain, and promised well for future relations between the two countries.

The match was controversial from the start, and the marriage celebrations were fraught with tensions.
Despite her marriage to the king of England, Henrietta Maria would never be crowned queen.
She remained a devout Catholic all her life, and refused to be coronated as the coronation service was a Protestant one.

The unpredictable British weather also played its part, hindering the celebrations further.

Opinions on her appearance vary, she has been described as having~
"long and lean arms, her shoulders uneven, and some of her teeth were coming out of her mouth like tusks.
She did, however, have pretty eyes, nose, and a good complexion"

She was also accompanied by a large and costly retinue, including her ladies-in-waiting, twelve priests, and her pages.

He ordered their dismissal on 26th June 1626, greatly upsetting Henrietta Maria.
Some refused to leave, and in the end, they were physically ejected from court.
Henrietta Maria managed to retain her chaplain, and seven of her French staff.

Ultimately Henrietta Maria’s overt Catholic sympathies, and her political meddling played their part in the rift during the 1630s.
This led towards the conflict between the monarch and Parliament, which would eventually lead to the Civil War.



Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2018
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