The Specialist

 "The Specialist" is a 1994 American action film starring Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone, James Woods, and Eric Roberts.

The film follows Ray Quick (Stallone), a former CIA explosives expert turned freelance hitman who is hired by a woman named May Munro (Sharon Stone) to avenge the deaths of her parents.

"The Specialist" is known for its action sequences, particularly its explosive scenes, and for the on-screen chemistry between Stallone and Stone.

If you enjoy action-packed thrillers with a mix of romance and suspense, "The Specialist" could be a great movie choice for you. Sylvester Stallone delivers his signature tough-guy performance, while Sharon Stone adds depth to the story with her portrayal of a woman seeking revenge for her family's murder. The film offers plenty of explosive action scenes and twists to keep you engaged throughout.


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