❤ Pandora's story is one told long before modern language, lending itself to a long history of lore and misinterpretation.
Her myth is a moral story, a warning to heed that maybe curiosity does kill the cat.
Pandora was a woman created to punish man, who accidentally releases all of the world's horrors, unleashing evil on Earth.
But what came out of Pandora's box?
Who knew exactly what was inside, and what would come flying out?
And who is Pandora, the enigmatic 'first woman' the curious creation of the gods?
❤ Pandora, according to myth, was the first woman on earth.
When Prometheus stole fire from the gods, Zeus created Pandora as a punishment for mankind.
Zeus commissioned the god Hephaestus to sculpt a beautiful woman out of clay, and she was given gifts from a few gods before she was sent down to fulfill her purpose.
Pandora was sent to be the wife of Epimetheus, and only brought one thing with her: a container full of all the world's evils......
Zeus didn't tell Pandora what was inside the box - instead, he told her to never open it, and then gave the key to her husband.
❤ Pandora's curiosity was piqued when she was given a secret container, told never to open it, and sent to earth to marry a stranger who held the key to this mystery vessel.
Unfortunately, the temptation was just too much, and it was this curiosity that unleashed all the world's evils.
❤ The list of items released from Pandora's box are many.
Illness, worry, crime, hate, envy... basically any bad thing you could think of.
They flew out of the box like little bugs, and Pandora tried to shut it back up as quickly as she could.
She did, according to some of the versions of her myth, manage to trap one important thing inside~hope.
❤ Despite being created solely to punish mankind, Pandora was gifted with a few nice traits by some generous gods.
Aphrodite gave her femininity, Athena "taught her crafts," and Hermes taught her how to be stubborn and curious.
❤ Pandora has been fascinating people since ever, catching the imagination of countless artists, who created frescos, mosaics and sculptures depicting Pandora and the mythological elements.
The main purpose of the myth of Pandora though, is to address the question of why evil exists in the world.

❤ Pandora by John William Waterhouse, 1896


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