
💜 Downtime 💖
To tune in to your intuitive and psychic vibes, it is essential to step away from the hustle and bustle of the world from time to time.
As a six-sensory person, start appreciating the importance of refreshing your body, mind, and spirit by scheduling downtime— time to do nothing but relax, hang out, and simply allow the world to go by. It affords you the inner space you need to refuel your psychic engines and gain access to the higher and Inore subtle vibrations that you may have bypassed by living in such a fast-paced, intense world.
Your ego generally doesn't approve of downtime because it's asked to give up control, which it doesn't want to do. Rather, it wants to run your life through fear and anxiety, keeping things in your head and under control—the hallmark of five-sensory, unhappy living.
Downtime liberates you from this fear-based treadmill and reconnects you to the pace and peace of Universal flow. As my personal spiritual teacher once told to me, "Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is nothing: Now is one of those times!💜
Blue Lotus Divination by Dr. Hutoxi H. Boman
From Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette.


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