Batthyány children

Batthyány children, 1920. First eight children of 13, of Prince Batthyány-Strattmann László and Countess Maria Theresia Coreth (Misl).
The Blessed László Batthyány-Strattmann (German: Ladislaus Batthyány-Strattmann; born October 28, 1870 in Dunakiliti, Austria-Hungary, died January 22, 1931 in Vienna, Austria) was a Hungarian aristocrat and physician. A devout Catholic, he became known as the "doctor of the poor" and was beatified by the church in 2003.
On 10 November 1898, he married Countess Maria Teresa Coreth, a deeply religious woman. Their marriage was a happy one and God blessed them with 13 children. The whole family took part in Holy Mass every day. After Mass Ladislaus would give the children a catechism lesson and assign to each one a concrete act of charity for that day. Every evening after they prayed the Rosary they would review the day and the assigned act of charity.


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