The charter of Budhagupta, a king from the Gupta dynasty of northern India, ca. 487 CE. TThe inscription on the plate records that in the reign of Budhagupta, a ruler named mahārāja Gītavarman, grandson of mahārāja Vijayavarman and mahārāja Harivarman son of Rānī Svaminī and mahārāja Harivarman, donated a village named Citrapalli to a Gosvāmi brāhmaṇa. The text was written by Dūtaka Rūparāja(?), son of Nāgaśarma, spent a lot of his effort and resources fighting the Huns, who attacked from the north
Budhagupta (r. c. 476 – 495 CE) was a Gupta emperor and the successor of Kumaragupta II. He was the son of Purugupta and was succeeded by Narasimhagupta.
Budhagupta had close ties with the rulers of Kannauj
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