Over 1000 years old?

 Over 1000 years old? Snapped this incredible tree while on the trail of Saxon history. The Corhampton yew is probably as old as, or even older than, the Saxon Church (1020 AD) where it is located.

It is one of the most beautiful and remarkable trees of any sort in Hampshire. It is of considerable girth, being 767 cm (25’3”) measured at three feet from the ground and 720 cm (23’7”) measured at ground level. These measures show an increase since the naturalist John Lowe measured the yew in 1897. Lowe found the tree to be 671 cm at ground level, and 732 cm at three feet from the ground.

The yew has grown 35 cm at the three foot level, and 49 cm at ground level over a period of 111 years, an average of approximately 4 millimeters girth increase per year, and comparison with measures taken in 1999 show that it has been growing at a good rate over the last 9 years ~ Toby Hindson & Tom Boardman. Corhampton, Hampshire. 


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