Princess Amelia of the United Kingdom


She was their first daughter, and third child to die before them.

When Amelia was born, something about her made her father, the king, completely drawn to his daughter.
To this date, it is believed that she became his favorite, his golden child.

This sentiment would be prevalent throughout Amelia’s infancy, childhood, and even adulthood, and would have dangerous consequences on her life as a whole.

Sadly, however, things in the royal home were far from stable.
After the deaths of her infant brothers, both of her parents attempted to stay as stable as possible, but they never really recovered from such a tragedy.
Amelia grew up pretty fast.....

The personality that she was developing, wasn’t too far from being creepy and weird.
However, she is also said to have been amiable, spirited, unselfish and intelligent.

With deranged ranting and mania, characterizing most of his days and interactions.
Sometimes the mania attacks would become so aggressive, that the king would start foaming from the mouth, causing incredibly difficult interactions within the palace.
For little Amelia, these situations were utterly traumatizing, especially since she had built such a close relationship with her father who loved her dearly

This meant that both he and the queen were often traveling for long periods of time, with Amelia and her siblings staying behind.
Amelia and her two closest older sisters, in particular, grew up almost completely away from their parents, under the care of staff in their faraway nursery.

When she turned 15 she was diagnosed with tuberculosis.
Since the royal family preferred to keep many things out of the public, this too was kept under the walls of the royal home.
While she eventually recovered, she also suffered from a lot of joint pain.

With the lack of supervision and love from her parents, both she and her two sisters began showing off a difficult personality, that began concerning the courtiers in the palace.

She could sometimes be a bit of a bully toward her other siblings, and when people described her, they often claimed that she was “the most turbulent and tempestuous of all the Princesses.”
With the lack of supervision, she also felt like she could mostly get away with anything.

At that point, she wasn’t only the favorite golden child of all, but her strong personality and memorable looks, always stuck out wherever she went.

She would often like wearing a full red lip, pairing it up with her full head of auburn hair.
When Amelia was about to turn 18, the pressure on her to find a husband was huge.

She had to be sent away to recouperate, to Weymouth.
She eventually recovered, but her health would never be the same after that.
During her time in recovery, Amelia finally met a man that she was extremely interested in.

Charles FitzRoy was an equerry who was equally infatuated with the young Princess, but there was a small catch.
Amelia was 18, and FitzRoy was 21 years older than the young Princess.

He did everything he could to get Amelia in his arms, and in no time, the two of them were talking about getting married.
Sadly for them, King George passed a bill in parliament, that would make Amelia's marriage to the “common” FitzRoy unrecognizable for the state.

Even though she knew she could never marry him, she actually told her brother that she already considered FitzRoy her husband, and it didn’t matter that she couldn’t have the papers to prove it.

This terrible situation took a really big toll on Amelia.
She became completely depressed.
This depression contributed to another huge health scare in Amelia’s life, which resulted in her being sent to Weymouth once more to recover.

In 1809, Amelia had already been alone in Weymouth for a year, and barely had the power to do anything all day, besides reading and take very small walks.
At 25, she caught tuberculosis once more.

In addition to all of the horrible symptoms she had, she suddenly caught a bacterial infection called erysipelas.
This was the beginning of the end of her life.

The dying princess had a mourning ring made for her father, the King.
It composed of a lock of her hair under crystal, set round with diamonds.
He purportedly burst into tears upon receiving it.

She would coincidently die on her brother Edward’s birthday.
Her passing really took a toll on the entire family, but perhaps the person who became the most devastated was her eldest brother, George.
He even made an incredibly weird request when she died.
He asked that a death mask be made, so that he would have it to remember her in the years to come.
Amelia was buried in the royal vault in St George's Chapel, Windsor, she was just 27 years old.
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