Ingrid Bergman

Lovely Ingrid Bergman in a striking Kodachrome portrait for the 1948 film ARC OF TRIUMPH. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman was born on August 29, 1915, in Stockholm, Sweden. She made her film debut in "Monkbrogreven" (1934), followed by more roles in her native Sweden, including the original version of "Intermezzo" (1936). After seeing Bergman in this film, American film producer David O. Selznick hired her to star in the English language remake of the film. Following this film's successful release in 1939, Selznick signed Bergman to a multiyear contract. In 1942, she gave a stellar performance in "Casablanca" as a woman torn between two men during wartime. With the success of this film, Bergman quickly became a full-fledged movie star. She co-starred with Gary Cooper in "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1943), and in "Gaslight" (1944), Bergman won widespread acclaim for her performance as a young wife whose husband attempts to drive her insane (winning her first Academy Award for her role). Working with Alfred Hitchcock, Bergman starred in two of his thrillers: "Spellbound" (1945) and "Notorious" (1946), which is considered one of her greatest performances. A few years later she became involved with director Roberto Rossellini while making "Stromboli" (1950). Both parties in this affair, which became an international scandal, were married to other people at the time. Shunned by Hollywood for years, Bergman made a triumphant return to American cinema with "Anastasia" (1956). In her later years, Bergman tackled a range of projects, co-starring in the popular 1969 comedy "Cactus Flower" and in 1974 she picked up another Academy Award for her supporting role in "Murder on the Orient Express". She gave her final performance in the 1982 television movie "Golda," playing legendary Israeli leader Golda Meir. Bergman passed away in 1982 on her birthday - August 29 - in London, England, at the age of 67. šŸ™šŸ»✨



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