Michael's Loneliness.
Michael's Loneliness...
Have you ever imagined how difficult it is to
Be brave in a cowardly world?
Be supportive in a world of selfish people?
Being pure in a world of promiscuity?
Being generous in a world of meanness?
Be faithful in a world of traitors?
Be honest in a world of corruption?
It is very difficult to feel out of your environment, a fish out of water. A human being who seems to have been born in a wrong era ...I think that was how Michael Jackson felt ... because he saw the world and people from an entirely different perspective ... he felt in a loneliness surrounded by people ... because they did not know his essence.
Never being alone, but always feeling misunderstood, betrayed, discriminated, observed ... like an animal at the zoo ... How can you be happy like that? How to trust someone living like this?
The world sets standards to be followed and whoever does not fit in is called a strange, different, freak ...
How to survive it all?
How can you not lose your essence in a world that doesn't seem to belong to you?
How to express yourself if you are not understood?
Everyone knew the Michael Jackson myth, but who knew Mike, the man behind the artist who struggled to be understood and loved?
This is the worst kind of loneliness ..
Solitude surrounded by crowds ... people you cannot trust, who do not understand you, who do not truly love you ... who are there just taking advantage of the great opportunity to be seen with the "Artist Michael Jackson", to be photographed with he ... and he knew it ... he had no choice ...
Michael was a genius. People like him know they will be misunderstood, but even so they move on, because they know that they are predestined to leave a legacy to the world and that they cannot escape this obligation ...
But loneliness always accompanies these geniuses ...
Smile to hide your tears, cry hidden, isolate yourself so you don't have to deal with incomprehension ... spend your life on camera pretending that everything is fine ... that everything is beautiful and wonderful ...
That was Michael's life, being protected by a glass dome, seeing the world but being outside it ... like a fish in an aquarium ...
Experiences common to all of us, going to school, the park, the supermarket, the mall, buying an ice cream at the corner store was not part of his life ...
Everyone around did everything, gave him everything, never said no ... but he lacked the experience of life ... making mistakes and getting it right ... relating outside his crystal world ... beautiful when seen from the outside ... glamorous, luxurious, grandiose, something envied by many ...
But the neighbor's garden is always more beautiful, isn't it?
You don't see the struggle, the suffering, the pain and the loneliness ...
We see only the Artist ...
The best of the best...
But his loneliness and his tears were hidden behind the spotlight ...
That was Michael Jackson's loneliness ...
By Giovanna Huhn
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