You already know who or what to forgive: It's the first person or situation that comes to mind. You don't necessarily have to pardon the action involved, but this card is a message for you to release the toxins of anger toward the person, agency, or situation. Unforgiveness only hurts you, not the person with whom you're angry.
You're preparing for a wonderful new chapter of your life, and forgiveness is part of your preparation. It's a refreshing and deeply healing shower of love that cleanses you inside and out. This gives you energy, stamina, and high self-esteem, and it frees you to be yourself. Call upon St. Mary Magdalene
to help you to forgive or be forgiven so that you can move on with your life and your dreams.
Controversy surrounds this saint's specific relationship with Christ. The Bible describes her as a devoted companion and follower of Jesus who anointed him with oils from an alabaster jar, and she was also the first person to whom Christ appeared after his resurrection. Today, St. Mary Magdalene is a patron saint of women. As someone who was both misunderstood and forgiven, she's a powerful ally when you need to clear a misconception or grievance. 

Blue Lotus Divination by Dr. Hutoxi H. Boman
From Saints and Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PH.D.
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